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Thank you for considering becoming a resident of Jeffrey's House.


This section includes the Application Form, which includes the residential fees information, and the House Rules. Please read these sections carefully. Then, if you would like to proceed with the application process, please complete and submit the form, and we will contact you when we receive and review it. Thank you.

House Rules

  • Residents are expected to abstain from alcohol and other substances. If a resident is using alcohol/drugs or involved in any drug activity, they will be immediately discharged. In addition, residents must agree to submit to one (1) randomly scheduled drug test per week.

  • Members of the opposite sex are not permitted in bedrooms.

  • Rent is due by Friday prior to leaving the House for the weekend. Non-payment of rent is subject to disciplinary action and may result in discharge.

  • Disruptive, threatening or abusive behavior to residents and/or staff will not be tolerated and subject to discharge.

  • Residents must agree to participate in a minimum of one (1) N/A or AA meeting per week.


  • Residents must agree to participate in a minimum of one (1) urine screen per week.

  • Residents must attend one (1) in-house meeting weekly. 

  • All residents must be in the house by 11 pm. Sunday through Thursday; weekends by 12 Midnight unless on approved overnight pass.

  • New residents of Jeffrey’s House will not be permitted to have overnights for one month.

  • Residents must complete assigned chores.


  • Residents will not open windows while the heat is on in the house.


About Us


Prison Outreach

What to Bring


Cruel Justice

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